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Showing posts from June, 2014

Honeypots and Honeynets

What is a honeypot? Honeypots are systems used to gather information about the activity of attackers or intruders to a system. It acts like a trap to detect how a user approaches/intercepts a system, how they behave once intercepted and stores these data into its database (here the database means a storage area, not a collection of data records). A honeypot placed within the DMZ What makes a honeypot? Building a honeypot requires a PC with more preferably a UNIX based operating system and a sniffer tool. (A sniffer tool provides the capability of seeing the traffic going between the firewall and the honeypot)  Where can honeypots be placed? Honeypots can be placed anywhere in the system. They may be placed outside the DMZ, inside the DMZ or even on the internal network.  Honeypots are additional security system. Honeypots differ from firewalls in that honeypots do not filter the traffic passing them and honeypots differ from intrusion detectio... Protection Status